Friday, December 28, 2018

4 Months Later...

Hello All you happy people I am glad to announce that I finally got internet back. It's been a long road ahead, what with me getting a new car and moving. I've had to put a kibosh on get back to my wonderful hentai.. I mean internet. Now for an update. My youtube videos will have to wait as i'm still setting up shop at my new place, but right after I post this blog I will be releasing all new podcast on my sound cloud account. Yeaaaa!!! And of course I will be releasing new glameplay videos. And I just got two new games, Final Fantasy Dissida for the PS4 and Middle Earth Shadow of war(Gold Edition). Cuz that's how I get down. Sad thing is, I don't like "The Lord of the Rings" yet I want to play this game. Isn't that weird? Well be on the look out for another blog post later this week I'm about to start some shit and I don't care who smells it. Oh yea my current ongoing book is still a work in progress but I still plan to finish it by next year late, late next year. O.k. that's all bye.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

New Job

Well hello there all you happy people. I just got a new job and you know what that means, I'm back!!
Now I am just posting to let everyone know what's to come. So be on the look out for some new videos as well as some podcasts, and some stuff from my friends at "These Guys". If you want to see what "These Guys" are working on then check them out at Onyx-Con this year August 25 and 26 in Atlanta, GA. And I would also like to formally announce that I will be releasing a book next year, so in time I will give all the information on that as soon as i'm done, so just wait. Now A joke. What do you call a great man that's on fire? Answer: Daniel The Flame