Friday, December 28, 2018

4 Months Later...

Hello All you happy people I am glad to announce that I finally got internet back. It's been a long road ahead, what with me getting a new car and moving. I've had to put a kibosh on get back to my wonderful hentai.. I mean internet. Now for an update. My youtube videos will have to wait as i'm still setting up shop at my new place, but right after I post this blog I will be releasing all new podcast on my sound cloud account. Yeaaaa!!! And of course I will be releasing new glameplay videos. And I just got two new games, Final Fantasy Dissida for the PS4 and Middle Earth Shadow of war(Gold Edition). Cuz that's how I get down. Sad thing is, I don't like "The Lord of the Rings" yet I want to play this game. Isn't that weird? Well be on the look out for another blog post later this week I'm about to start some shit and I don't care who smells it. Oh yea my current ongoing book is still a work in progress but I still plan to finish it by next year late, late next year. O.k. that's all bye.